My name is Anna Carreras. I am a creative programmer and digital artist interested in experimenting with the use of generative algorithms and creative code as a means of communication and experience generator. I hold a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and a Master in Audiovisual Technologies from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).
I am interested in the complexity that emerges from the small simple behaviors, the complexity that emerges from the balance between the order and the chaos. I try to capture the diversity and richness of complexity by working with visual algorithms.
I have participated in several European projects: the Contested Desires (2020-22) that explores the relations between art and colonialism, and On the Fly (2022) about live coding. I have exhibited digital installations and art pieces for Cosmocaixa, Fòrum Barcelona 2004, Sónar Innovation Challenge, Ignite San Francisco, MIRA festival de Artes Visuales, Mobile Art Week, Abandon Normal Devices Liverpool or Medialab Prado, to name a few.
I teach creative programming and audiovisual projects.
My doctoral thesis was about complexity in generative digital art, directed by Mireia Feliu PhD (BAU) and Lali Barrière (UPC).