
Projects are the driving force of research at BAU. We are currently collaborating with both local and national public institutions, as well as with social organisations and European initiatives. If you are interested in establishing a partnership and starting a project with BAU, do not hesitate in contacting us.


The OrganicUP project aims to develop a new biomaterial to be used to offer new sustainable packaging solutions. During the project, design strategies will be applied to explore the potential, pilot testing will be done to detect its capabilities to be modelled and scaled up for industrial use and a system will be incorporated to guarantee the traceability of the product from the rejection, use and recycling phase.

Coordinated by: Instituto de Materialidades Políticas y Transformación


Packaging Cluster, Batllegroup, Blue Room Innovation, Tallers Soteras, FLIPO Eyewear, BAU, Centro Universitario de Artes y Diseño


DesignMatters is a project that fosters inclusive and innovative research in arts and design doctoral programmes. It is a collaborative project co-funded by the European Union whose focus is on the creation of innovative training materials and formats that integrate critical reflection on inclusion and diversity.

Coordinated by: Instituto de Materialidades Políticas y Transformación


Cumulus Association, Itinerari Paralleli, Universidade Lusófona, RMIT Europe, Sapienza Università di Roma, BAU College of Arts and Design

Técnicas creativas para crecer

This project is based on the hypothesis that creativity is both a mechanism for self-discovery and a tool for communicating and expressing feelings, needs, concerns or desires, which can be a valuable resource for people with Down’s Syndrome and other neurological diversities.

Coordinated by: Instituto de Materialidades Políticas y Transformación


Fundación Catalana Síndrome de Down (FCSD), BAU College of Arts and Design

La Corba

Based on the institutionalised narrative of the pandemic, La corba (The curve) [La curva] describes the role and effect of graphics in the management of emergencies, a communicative resource that mainly benefits the administrative and bureaucratic perspective of the phenomenon, leaving aside a more comprehensive and complex vision.


Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB); Ajuntament de Barcelona; BAU, College of Arts and Design of Barcelona

E-Ludens. Umbrales urbanos / Calles habitables

Umbrales Urbanos / Calles Habitables Project. Sant Martí de Provençals aims to improve urban and relational life among the various social agents present on Calle Perú-Paraguay through processes of co-design of devices to make the environments of the public facilities’ fences more inhabitable and the development of a social and digital platform to strengthen the community and to create a shared knowledge of the neighbourhood.

Soporte pedagógico para prevención de LGTBIfobia

Research project with the aim of creating a set of audiovisual pieces that address issues such as sexual and gender diversity, gender violence, toxic relationships, sexualities and love, and sexist advertising, among other topics.

Fashion for Inclusion

The Fashion for Inclusion project aims to promote the social and labour inclusion of migrants and refugees at the European level, enhancing their access to vocational training in the field of sustainable and intercultural fashion.


ABD (Spain); IASIS (Greece); Mindshift Talent Advisory (Portugal); CIEP (Belgium); Solidaridad Sin Fronteras (Spain); MondoDonna Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus (Italy)


Why give up life after having created one? Mamalyona was created out of this reflection. As young mothers we train through a simulated process of collective entrepreneurship, without giving up the upbringing of our children.

Actuar en la emergencia

This is an open and public research program on the possibilities of design (and the creative thinking that supports and accompanies it) in relation to the emergencies posed by the effects of the present crisis. It is also a longer-term vision with the intention of offering different routes to those that have led us to where we are.

Con mirada de diseñadora gráfica

An initiative created to give visibility to female graphic designers in Catalonia and to give them the recognition they deserve. This project has so far included a traveling exhibition, a round table within the Interferències cycle at BAU, participation in the III Symposium of the Design History Foundation and publication of a paper in the PAD Journal.