Never before had there been a situation such as that brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic: it affected the projects of Design degree students, in particular those in the last year of their studies and, as a result, affected the completion of the Final Degree Project (TFG). Circumstances also prevented the traditional graduation ceremony from being held. For this reason, management decided to present new graduates with a gift, in the form of a book.
The most notable merit of that year was that all work was done from home. Being locked in, unable to go outside, was a big problem when it came to conducting research, experimenting, and formulating. For this reason, parcel deliveries played a very important role during those months. Books, materials, tools, electronic equipment: the only way to get hold of these items was to order them online, accumulating more and more boxes replete with barcodes, numbers, and ugly graphics. This editorial piece interprets this concept by revealing the essence of visual codes of messaging services from a modern, contemporary reinterpretation; it is a piece that compiles all TFGs created from elements and objects that arise from boxes, inviting you to feel the whole ritual of receiving a parcel in the post.