My name is Federica Matelli and I am an independent curator and professor of Modern Thought and Artistic Practices in the Fine Arts Degree Program at BAU. I have published in different media and give lectures at seminars and conferences held by different institutions and universities. I have served as an independent curator at international festivals and exhibitions. I propose the study of artistic practice linked to everyday life in connection with other disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, and cultural studies.
I have a degree in Philosophy from the University of Pisa (Italy) and a Masters’ degree in Curating and Cultural Practices in Art and New Media from ESDI and the Ramón Llull University, organised by MECAD (the Media Center of Art and Design). In 2018, I received a doctorate in the Theory and History of Contemporary Art (Doctorate of Society and Culture) at the University of Barcelona.
Soy también doctora asociada del grupo de investigación AGI. Arte, Globalización e Interculturalidad de la Universitad de Barcelona. Desde el año 2018 colaboro con distintas editoriales que se ocupan de filosofía de vanguardia como Materia Oscura (Segovia) o Holobionte (Barcelona). Desde un enfoque interdisciplinario, mi investigación se centra en el estudio del concepto de lo cotidiano en relación con la sociedad contemporánea y el arte, prestando especial atención al periodo comprendido entre 1980 hasta la actualidad, aportando la descripción y análisis de un giro teórico producido a partir de la primera década del siglo XXI que marca el paso del marco textual al especulativo.