Call for Papers: Immaterial returns to the stage

The journal IMMATERIAL, renowned for its commitment to the dissemination of knowledge in the field of art, design and society, has announced an additional call for papers aimed at examining the complex relationships between art and science. On this occasion, the publication invites BAU researchers to collaborate with articles and projects that address the challenges and opportunities that arise in the encounters between artists, designers and scientists. With an interdisciplinary approach, the aim is to examine the motivations, dynamics and results of these collaborations, whether in the professional, academic or dissemination fields. Authors are also invited to reflect on the epistemological and methodological disparities between art and science, as well as to propose methods and approaches to address and overcome any obstacles that may arise in the process of collaboration.

This call, named after Lúa Coderch and Mariona Moncunill, aims to foster an enriching and critical dialogue that contributes to broadening our understanding of the intersections between art and science in contemporary society. It also aims to foster a space for reflection and shared learning that inspires new ways of thinking and creating in the field of art and design. Those interested in participating can send their contributions until 16 September 2024, with the certainty that their work will be published by the end of the year.

Proposals should fit the categories and characteristics specified in our guidelines for authors: Questions and queries about the relevance of proposals may be sent to

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Pre-registration for the doctorate 2024/2025 is now open

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Abiertas las preinscripciones al doctorado 2024/2025

Las dos ramas que propone el doctorado se basan en el “diseño y sociedad. Políticas, arte y educación” y “la comunicación y sus entornos. Corporaciones e instituciones; medios, redes y territorio.”

BAU Ediciones presents ‘Steps towards an ecological perspective on arts and design’

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