BAU Ediciones presents ‘Steps towards an ecological perspective on arts and design’

Steps towards an ecological perspective on arts and design’ was presented on 23 April. This new publication by BAU Ediciones is the brainchild of Serafín Álvarez, Lúa Coderch, Tim Cowlishaw, Cecilia de Marinis, Mariona Moncunill-Piñas, Mafe MoscosoRamon Rispoli and Jaron Rowan.

The book is born out of the desire to introduce a particular perspective from which to reflect, investigate and approach art and design practices. This perspective arises from the desire to understand how these practices not only shape the world, but also to understand how this world influences, conditions and determines these practices. A bid is made to call this interaction an ecological perspective on art and design. The authors have been involved in teaching and research for some time. In this way, what is presented is a transfer of a series of debates, interests and concerns that they have shared in different spaces over the last few years.

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The two branches proposed by the doctorate are based on ‘design and society. Politics, art and education’ and ’Communication and its environments. Corporations and institutions; media, networks and territory’.

Abiertas las preinscripciones al doctorado 2024/2025

Las dos ramas que propone el doctorado se basan en el “diseño y sociedad. Políticas, arte y educación” y “la comunicación y sus entornos. Corporaciones e instituciones; medios, redes y territorio.”