‘Criança Mútua’ by Mamalyona: maternal empowerment breaks down social and professional barriers

Motherhood has a humanizing effect: everything boils down to the essential. It is not being a creator of life, but life desirous of itself. However, this choice is nothing but a question mark for women: why refuse a life of one’s own after giving another?

In its VII edition, the project “Criança Mútua” by Mamalyona reinforces the interest in accommodating the need of young mothers to reconcile motherhood with personal and professional development. The ABD Group, (Asociación de Bienestar y Desarrollo) and BAU are once again joining forces to embark on a process of collective entrepreneurship, while continuing to provide care and attention to their children. “Mamalyona”, driven by the search for equity and integral development, stands as an inspiring example of how women can empower themselves and transcend the limitations imposed by a heteropatriarchal society, finding a space for personal and professional growth and fulfillment.

Collectivity manifests itself as the core of the project. It is not the search for empowerment and maternal-professional conjunction from an ephemeral vision, but from a space to share illusions, challenges and anxieties that can transcend and endure in the lives of the women who make up “Criança Mútua”. BAU teaches textile product design, pattern making, tailoring and use of the machine, printing, screen printing, among other artistic and creative practices. ABD is positioned in the management of care and conciliation, communication, social economy and marketing.

The project comes to an end this Friday, April 12. A ceremony will be held in Sala Polivalent of BAU, where the “mamalyonas” will receive diplomas certifying their valuable participation and achievements throughout this course. Thus, “Criança Mútua” is not only a project, but an eloquent testimony of how determination and mutual support can transform lives and open paths towards personal and professional fulfillment, demonstrating that giving life does not imply giving up living it to the fullest.

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