Dr. Alejandra López Gabrielidis: speaker at the round table of 48 hours of Digital Culture

On 16 and 17 April, in the Salón de Grados of the Universidad Carlos III (Campus Puerta de Toledo, Madrid), the event “48 hours of Digital Culture” will take place. Experts in Artificial Intelligence, art and cultural management, will meet in four round tables that will address various perspectives of technology and artificial intelligence algorithms in artistic creation and cultural management.

Dr. Alejandra López Gabrielidis, coordinator of the Doctoral Unit and lecturer in the degrees of Design and Fine Arts, from her specialisation in art and digital technologies, will attend the round table on Tuesday 16 April at 18:00. She has worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Communication Networks and Social Change group and is also a member of the Vector collective for Sociotechnical Conceptualisation. This panel will discuss creation and artificial intelligence in the field of technology and will also feature David Casacuberta, philosopher and artist at UAB.

Dr. López Gabriedilis’ line of research examines the relationships woven between the body and data from a paradigm of agency. She has also published articles and essays in journals and publishers such as Holobionte, InterARTive, Teknokultura, among others. We are sure that next Tuesday we will be able to enjoy his experience and knowledge at the round table.

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